Vinnies CEO Sleepout!
Com-X are giving back!
Leadership from Com-X have joined other Leaders from across multiple industries at the Vinnies CEO Sleepout in Balmain, Sydney.
Com-X co-founders Qui Truong and Stephen Laird were joined by General Manager of Sales Marketing, Nick Cross at this overnight event on one of the longest and coldest nights of the year. Hundreds of CEOs, business owners as well as community and government leaders sleep outdoors to support the many Australians who are experiencing homelessness and people at risk of homelessness.
Hearing about Homelessness
The evening provided an opportunity for business leaders to learn first hand how homelessness could impact any individual. With speakers sharing their experiences and the support Vinnie’s provide.
“Every night, more than 122,000 people are experiencing homelessness across Australia, with the majority being women and children. These are horrific numbers and with economic changes impacting every household we, as Com-X, wanted to give back to the communities in which we operate in, as an important part of our ethos” said Nick.
Raising Money for Vinnies
The Com-X team have received generous donations for Vinnies from friends, families, customers and partners of over $11,000. This will help to fund Vinnies with:
- 33 Individual support programs
- 88 beds
- 355 meals
Vinnies are still accepting donations to this worthy cause and those willing to support Com-X can still donate here