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Com-X Connects

We are excited to provide Com-X Connects is an area where our valued Customers and Vendors share their experiences in working with Com-X.

We understand the pressures in ensuring you have a great IT Partner that can really support you and keep your business online and your team members able to work.

Get in contact today if you’d like to explore how Com-X maybe able to help your organisation.

Steven West (Head of Technology Operations & Security) from distinguished Legal firm – Colin Biggers and Paisley, shares his experiences in digital transformation and engagement with Com-X both technically and commercially.

With responsibilities in protecting client data, maximising the effectiveness of the legal team members for their clients and ensuring their IT strategy is fit to deliver now and into the future, what did Steven say about their relationship to date with Com-X?

David Commisso (Director of Technology and Learning Innovation) at CoreSenses, who deliver the Arrowsmith Program; for enhancing the learning potential of every student by Strengthening Cognitive Capacities.

He shares how they needed to pivot when the Covid-19 pandemic forced them to change their teaching model, to support remote learning through technology and how Com-X supported them.

With young students who need extra support, the change in learning approach need to work for both the students, their families and their teaching faculty….why did David find Com-X’s approach of value to CoreSenses?

Aaron Robinson (Director of Presales & Solution Engineering ANZ at Cloud Software Group) shares his insights in the value Citrix and NetScaler technologies deliver today.

Providing his insights to the value he, and his broader team, have seen when Com-X is engaged, to support joint customers in designed, delivering and managing the effective technology deployment tailored to maximise the business outcomes for organisations.

Technical Experience and Certifications aside, what makes Com-X, a top tier Citrix Platinum Partner, a Partner of choice for customers and the Citrix team?

Jason Jacobs (Partner Lead for Citrix – APAC/Asia for Microsoft), contributes his view on the customer conversations he and his broader team are having as it relates to AVD and how to consider the broader eco-system and Partnerships available.

ith simplified technology and licensing options available from Microsoft, where does Citrix fit into the discussions when organisations are exploring on considerations for a modernised application delivery strategy.

We hit upon the “money question”…but how does Jason respond?

Why Com-X?

We’re specialists in steering Digital Transformation and Cyber Maturity Uplifts

Supporting thousands of users across Australia.

Dedicated to boosting business
productivity with cutting-edge technology.

Broad expertise across Healthcare, FSI, Legal, Retail and other sectors.

Get in contact

Interested to know more?

With more videos planned we hope you enjoy these initial interviews and if you want to know more about how Com-X can help your organisation, please get in contact today.

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